Monday, February 24, 2003

Sidewalk Nazi

Well, now that I live in a house in an actual neighborhood and not an apartment, I have a few things to say on the subjects of sidewalks.

I was raised in a neighborhood where, after it snowed, you went out and shoveled the snow off the stretch of sidewalk that was in front of your house. It's that simple. If you have snow on your walks, the mailman and other pedestrians can't get through or might hurt themselves. It's also just you doing your bit of neighborhood duty.

But since I moved to Clintonville, I've noticed that not everyone feels this way. In fact, it appears to be completely fine to just not do it at all, and let people fall over and hurt themselves. Like my wife. My wife fell and hurt her tailbone a couple of weeks ago and she was in a lot of pain. In Michigan, she could legitimately have sued the person whose walk it was.

I don't know if that's how it is here or not... I'm new to this whole house thing. But I can't imagine that this sort of thing is permissable!

So folks... if your walks have snow on them, remove it. ALL OF IT. Not that one little sweep through with the snowblower or shovel to make that path that only tightrope walkers can make it through. Remove it ALL. Be considerate of those people around you and maybe they'll be considerate to you.
