Been about a month since I posted here, just saw something that made me laugh out loud.
Some organization called "The American Family Association" sent me a request to be polled, so I did. It was a presidential poll, with John Kerry, Ralph Nader, and the Great Pretender on the list of possibilities. So, naturally, I responded with John Kerry as I plan to vote for him and get the Shrub out of office. After the poll was over, I got the results thus far.
John Kerry: 90.05%
George Bush: 3.64%
Ralph Nader: 6.32%
Smiling, I thought "You know, I don't even know who the American Family Association is." So I checked out their website... they're a right-wing freak-job bunch - with issues on their site like "The Homosexual Agenda" and "Church In America." I hope they look at these results they're getting and cry like babies.