Howard Dean vs. Fox "News"
I watched an excerpt of a Howard Dean interview with Fox News's Sean Hannity today (Hannity was actually on the floor of the Democratic Convention, I couldn't believe it) where Hannity was asking Dean about the "left's" (Hannity's word, not mine) forgiveness of John Kerry and John Edwards for their laying out the belief that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, while they refuse to leave President Bush alone with that. Dean obviously mentioned that there were plenty of other lies that the president told us, but I think that Dean missed out on one simple fact.
Where exactly did Kerry and Edwards get their information on the WMDs in Iraq? Well, most likely they came from the president and his administration. At the time, there was no reason to believe that Bush was lying through his teeth about the presence of WMDs there. Now, I disagree that we should have ever gone to Iraq, but the fact remains that Congress needs to be able to trust the president with intelligence, as intelligence agencies like the CIA, NSC, and FBI are under his jurisdiction as the leader of the executive branch of our government.
So, if Congress can't trust our nation's leader to get them good information, that leader needs to be at least voted out of office. He SHOULD be impeached. He's certainly done a lot more harm than President Clinton ever did with Monica Lewinsky.