Monday, July 19, 2004

Just in Time for the Democratic Convention...

I absolutely LOVE how the Bush Administration is suddenly hinting at the possibility of an Iran (not Iraq, notice) connection to the 9/11 attacks, and just before the Democratic Convention is about to start up. 
Could it be that our dear president is worried about the Democrats bringing out how much his administration has screwed things up both domestically and overseas, and he wants to distract attention from that by creating a new enemy for us all to fear? 
This is like the October Surprise, only earlier.  I'm predicting now that the Shrub and company will be coming out with some big announcement about Iran's involvement in 9/11 this weekend or next week, during the Democratic Convention.  Keep in mind that the CIA has already said that it has no evidence of Iranian involvement...
As far as the actual October Surprise goes, btw, I think we're going to see a certain Al Qaeda leader suddenly show up just before the election. 

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