Friday, February 25, 2005

GM Looking To Limit Worker and Consumer Rights

General Motors is apparently starting a thirteen-state tour in an attempt to try to convince governors to work to reduce manufacturers' liabilities in the realms of health care and put limits on punitive jury awards in lawsuits. Why am I not surprised?

Companies have been looking for ways to offload healthcare costs for a long time, as if they don't have a responsibility to look after the workers who make them their money. And they're looking to offload their responsibility to build safe products by limiting the money a plaintiff can receieve in a lawsuit.

It's interesting... the Bush Administration says they want to privatize more of the government, but the private companies are looking to foist more of their issues off on the government. If employees can't look to their employers for medical care, who's going to get the brunt of that? The government. And who's going to be responsible for limiting punitive decisions in liability cases to keep private companies from paying out when they screw up? The government. Is no one else seeing this?

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