Friday, January 26, 2007

Little Things Count

Last night on the way home, I took care of a problem that was starting to plague me greatly with the advent of our snowy weather.

Having caught a few snowflakes in the eyes on the way to work with our recent snowfalls, it was time to get a pair of glasses for riding. So I got some Tifosi Slip glasses at BikeSource with a polarized lens. Makes a world of difference to have those on, let me tell you.

First, the obvious - things stay out of my eyes. Snowflakes, dust, etc. You wouldn't think that a snowflake in the eye would be that big a deal... but it is. Stings for a second and then you have a few seconds where your eye recovers. And you spend the entire ride squinting and hiding your face. Second, the wind and cold that was making my eyes water (not a real danger while riding but annoying at times) is gone. And today was a good test of that, with a 19-degree (Fahrenheit) temperature.

The venting on them is great. Even when I wear my balaclava and my breath gets pushed up under the glasses and they start to fog, that fog goes away quickly when I get moving. Nice design on the vents. And they cover my entire eye area, so that my eyes are well protected. Quite a bargain!

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