Tuesday, July 15, 2008

That's One Short Plunge...

The AP is reporting that oil prices have "plunged" by $10 a barrel! Wow! We're saved! Now oil only costs...

Um... $138.00 a barrel.

I'm sorry, but this is the same stupid snow job that the oil companies have been trying to foist on us for years. Gas is up from around a $1.50 a gallon to over $4.00... but in the meantime, we've seen them raise it up to say... $2.50, then back to $2.25 in a HUGE cut! Then up to $3.00, then back to $2.75...

Folks... there's no price cut going on here. Oil is going up and it's going to stay that way. They oil companies are just waiting till we get used to a certain price level and then they lower it to a level that would previously have gotten us up in arms. It's a big joke and a snow job.

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