Thursday, October 20, 2005

Growing Up: Duncan And Me

Duncan has been sick the past couple days - some sort of virus that is "going around." There's always something "going around," it seems. I often think that the only reason we take Duncan to the doctor is to verify that, yes, indeed, something IS "going around."

He's got the parainfluenza virus, we're told. The fact that they know what it is is comforting. At least that means that they know how to treat it, for the most part.

But Duncan is handling it like the little trooper he is. He's still not crying, just being a little more fussy and tired than usual. He's been running a fever, but the Children's Tylenol seems to be keeping that down. And he even got down and played with me a bit yesterday before turning back to the bottle and passing out for a while longer. Today (Jenn's home with him today, I had him yesterday) he's pretty much the same but a little stronger. Gotta love the little guy. Oh, he's also still weakly applauding his own recovery. :)

We've pretty much made the decision, though, that due to his being sick that we're not going to travel up to Michigan to let him stay with my folks while we go to the Notre Dame/BYU game in South Bend. They'd offered us their tickets and we'd accepted, but now that seems like less a good idea.

And here's where the growing up part comes into play: I really don't care. Having a little boy that I'm responsible for has grown me up to the point where I understand what's really important. Don't get me wrong - if the chance to go see ND play comes up again, I'm going to jump on it. But if something's wrong with Jenn or Duncan, that all goes out the window while I stay home with them. It happened for the Dublin Irish Festival this year and now it's happening with our wee bairn.

And I'm really fine with that! Guess I'm growing up...

Oh, the horror... the horror...

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