Thursday, April 29, 2004

Clone this!

Read an article on Yahoo this morning from Reuters about the movie Godsend, which is apparently about human cloning. They did a pretty clever marketing technique with the movie's website, in that they created a website for a "Cloning Clinic" with links to the movie's webpage.

The article is here, and the clinic's website is here.

Apparently, there are people calling for this website to be shut down because it's too controversial. Folks, just read what's there and poke around, and you'll discover that it's for the movie! I found eight or so links to the movie on the FRONT PAGE ALONE.

There are also some folks who are upset because they think the site is insensitive to those who've lost a loved one. Well, you know, there are always going to be things that remind us of times of sorrow. The only way to get over such things is to deal with the sorrow and move on. I've had sorrow in my life, and I've dealt with it and moved on. Most people do. If you CAN'T get over it alone, then find help.

Finally - let's look at first amendment rights. There is NOTHING that says people have a right not to be offended. If anything, people specifically do NOT have that right. The right to free speech and freedom of expression precludes that, without a doubt. I may not like to hear some moron ranting about how the environment is fine, but he has the right to say it. I then have the right to point out what an brainless prat he is, naturally.

It's JUST a website for a movie. Deal with it.

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