Thursday, September 09, 2004

Stupid Columbus Drivers, Again

Jenn and I were in the parking garage after our doctor's appointment this morning, and we were getting ready to pull out when the lady behind us (waiting for us to get out, naturally, instead of just pulling ahead to the next level where there were plenty of spots) pulled too close. Jenn sat and waited for her to move back, and we pulled out. Jenn looked at the car in the rear view mirror and said "that mini-van is never going to fit in there."

Because of where we parked, we had to go forward, up and around to get to the exit. As we came back around... we had to stop and wait as the car continued to try to get into the spot we'd just vacated. I wanted to stop and watch her keep trying, but I had to get to work.

1 comment:

WolfPack said...

Really - there should be an IQ test for drivers' licenses!! - Jenn
