Friday, February 25, 2005

Kansas Attorney General Looking To Violate Civil Rights, Doctor/Patient Privilege

It's amazing what people are trying to get away with these days, but few places are as frightening as the state of Kansas. Mandating the teaching of fairy tales (AKA Creationism) in state public schools (even temporarily) was apparently only the beginning.

The Attorney General of the state of Kansas, Phill Kline, is apparently trying to require two abortion clinics to open their records to him so he can "investigate and prosecute child rape and other crimes in order to protect Kansas children." He's fishing into the files of 90 women who have had abortions, according to the article.

First, the Kansas AG is a staunch opponent of abortion, and I wouldn't trust him with the information he uncovers.

Second, Doctor/Patient Privilege has to take some effect here.

Third, his agenda violates the separation of Church and State: he's trying to push to have stickers put into science books in Kansas schools that state evolution is just a theory, and pushing the so-called "Intelligent Design" theory. The difference between evolution and intelligent design is that there is scientific evidence for evolution. There is NONE for intelligent design. But his agenda is to push for religion and state to merge.

Folks like this need to be kept out of government - one of the basic tenets of this government is the separation of Church and state. It's necessary in any nation where there is freedom of religion. If one religion is adopted by the government, then we don't have freedom of religion any longer. And that's anti-American.

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