Tuesday, March 23, 2004

No Pants Day!

First, there was Talk Like A Pirate Day which I totally support, and now they've come up with No Pants Day! Apparently this year it's May 7th. I suppose... run out and take off your pants on that day.

No Pants Day.com has a quiz that tells you what you should be wearing on this august day (not AUGUST... it's in May). Here's what I got... not sure I'm ready for that.

You Should Wear
Your Girlfriend's Panties!

She won't know what to think about this, but it will be worth it. Tip: if you can't keep the goods tucked away, try chilling them with ice first.

Find out which No Pants Day outfit YOU should wear!

No Pants Day is May 7th, 2004. To find out more about No Pants Day, visit


I was actually thinking of wearing a kilt...

