Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Birthday Reflections

I'm 37 years old today. I feel about 25 or 26. And here's my "State of the Age" for my 38th year.

  • Family: First and foremost, I am extraordinarily fortunate to have the family I do. My wife Jennifer is the most accepting person I know. She puts up with my strange little foibles (kilt-wearing, Batman-worship, tangent-hopping, and whatever my newest obsession is) and even shares in my love of many things (soccer, hockey, reading, etc.). And even more importantly than her acceptance of my foibles is the fact that she gets exactly where I'm coming from. I don't have to explain my points of view on things endlessly to her because she GETS me. That's a rare thing, and I thank my lucky stars every day that I found her.

    My son Duncan is the most special little boy I could ever hope to have. He brings a smile to my face, a spring to my step, and has helped me find so much purpose and reason for being my best that I can't even describe it. My current fitness regimen, my attempts to be more worldly, so much of what I do is to set the best example I know how for that kid. And he in himself is special - great natured, smart, determined... he just gives Jenn and I so much to work for. It's hard to describe, but I hope this suffices.

    My parents and siblings are the greatest group of folks I could have. My dad showed me the value of hard work, but also instilled in me a sense of great fun and the abiility to be an adult without losing the kid inside. My mom gave me passion for what I love and an ability to see the good in everything around me. My siblings, Tom, Rob, and Carrie, are as diverse a bunch as you could hope to get, yet somehow we always find common ground when we're together and have a fantastic time. Tom is a master at sharing his passions with those around him and making you care about things that you might not have paid attention to without him, while Rob is a rascal of the first magnitude but always finds time for what's truly important. My sister, Carrie, is (I think) more like me than I'm sure she cares to admit, but despite that I admire her stick-to-itiveness and her sense of what's right and wrong (as much as it may diverge from my own at times).

    Yeah, my family rules.

  • Health: I may be in the best overall healthy shape of my life right now. Thanks to the physical regimen I discovered through Matt Furey and his Combat Conditioning routine I feel like the aforementioned 25 year-old I said I was. Ignore this as you want as sounding totally commercial, but this has changed my life health-wise in ways that is hard to describe. Naturally, there's always room for improvement, such as a better diet, etc., but I am on the right track in a big way.

  • Work: I originally took my job at Ohio State University (despite my dislike for their athletic program) as a simple way to get out of the tenuous consulting world, and I am glad I did. This job allows me to take care of myself and my loved ones better than I could have hoped for. I have a boss who supports my work and helps me improve and I make decent enough money that I am comfortable and can support my family. You can't ask for much more than that.

All in all, my 37 years on this planet haven't always been easy, but they've all made a big part in putting me where I am today. And honestly? I wouldn't change a thing!

Well, I might have thought twice before that self-administered haircut back in fourth grade...

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