Friday, February 15, 2008

Herron Back to Chicago.... Is Something Else in the Works?

According to, the Crew just traded forward Andy Herron back to Chicago. Herron was good here, when he was healthy. But he didn't make much of an impact. Still, on a team that has a dearth of talented forwards (in fact, I can only name one, Ale Moreno), a backup is good.

So... does this mean that we're still in the running for Lars Ricken or Roman Friedli? I realize they're middies, but I recall Ricken scoring a goal in the Champions League final for Dortmund against Juventus about a decade ago. I don't know anything about Friedli, but any Euro attacking midfielder would be a benefit to us, as attacking mid isn't a real strong position for the Crew.

1 comment:

Matt said...

Lars Ricken, at this point, seems like a bad joke. 5 years ago he would have been a coup - but IIRC he hasn't played competitively in some time (having been sent to the reserves and refused to play or something).

