Monday, June 06, 2005

Daddy Ups and Downs

Our little boy Duncan hit his 7th month yesterday. It's amazing to think that a year and a half ago, he wasn't even considered, and now I wouldn't change a thing about having a child. I love that little guy so much and would do absolutely anything for him.

It was amazing watching him on the floor yesterday. He's mastered rolling over from front to back, and though he's still working on crawling I think he'll get there soon. Jenn had put a little musical toy just out of his reach, and he was rolling on his back and front trying to reach it. He eventually did it, too. It's great to see the determination on his face as he pushed and pushed to get to it.

He's also starting to be able to sit up by himself. I had him sitting on my lap, facing me last night. He would sit up, then fall forward on his face, and then pick himself back up and sit upright again. He's getting the control he needs to keep sitting up, and that's very exciting (as he's too big for his baby carrier but too uncoordinated to sit in a high chair at a restaurant, at least the chairs most places have).

Which brings me (in a roundabout way) to my thoughts for the day. I've increasingly come to the conclusion that I do not like the computer business in general. And I'd like to find something else to do for a living. The problem is the same problem that millions of Americans feel - the fear of leaving a steady job for one that's less steady. Normally that wouldn't be a problem for me. But now, with a family to support, I'm VERY nervous about trying something new - particularly because I don't want to lose my great benefits here at OSU. Not to mention I've been in this business for over ten years now, and make a comfortable (if not opulent) salary.

So, if anyone reads this blog, I'd love to know how folks went about making changes in their lives without having to lose out on great benefits.

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