Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Another Cold Bike Ride, Problems Almost Solved

Today's bike ride was a 22 degrees Fahrenheit venture that my Christmas gifts all helped to conquer. Mom and Dad got me the Cannondale Chamois tights and Gloves, Jenn got me 180s earmuffs, and I threw on my polypropylene long undies and balaclava and was just about perfect. Most notable was that my hands weren't being brutalized through my up-till-now adequate fleece gloves as the Cannondale gloves did the job well. The only exception to this was my legs were a TAD bit chilly with the very light wind.

Now, this was an all downhill trip so my legs don't really get a chance to get warm while I'm going to work, but that doesn't change the fact that it's cold out there and with a heavier wind it's going to be brutal. A pair of wind pants would probably do the trick nicely. I know of a couple that I'm looking at online right now, hopefully they won't be too pricey. I had been using my Columbia rain pants but they're not so great in the cold weather, though they rule for rainy weather.

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