Wednesday, January 10, 2007

iPhone Jonesing

I'm not generally a person who HAS TO HAVE the latest technology. If something works for me, I generally like to use it until it's no longer functional, then go for the next item. There are a few exceptions: TiVo, for one. But I drove my old '87 Mercury Lynx wagon for years until I was told to buy a new car (with heat) or I was being dumped. And then I drove my Mercury Mystique until it basically died, and now I ride the bus or my bike.

That being said, I am currently frothing at the mouth over the demos I've seen for Apple's new iPhone.

Great. Googly. Moogly.

Have you seen this thing? It's absolutely amazing! I mean, basically it does everything that my Motorola SLVR L7 phone does with the music and the calling people, but with the Apple-ed interface and the most unique touch-screen I've ever seen. I am SO getting one of these when they come out. Cingular - please make sure you support this!

It will be mine. Oh yes, it will be mine.


Matt said...

According to my brother-in-law (Steve, the Mac developer), Cingular is actually the only carrier who is going to support the iPhone - so you're in luck. :-)

Jamie said...

That's excellent. Jenn's also saying that Yahoo and Google are supporting it, which is great for my email and such. :) It's all coming together...
